News » Tom Stopford Sackville


Bring a special bottle dinner, Hong Kong

The invitation email from our host read as follows: each year I organise an evening to provide wine lovers with an opportunity to open those one (or two) notable bottle/s

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Pontet Canet in Hong Kong

You will not find a much better example of how times have changed in Bordeaux in recent years, in the late 20th and early 21st centuries than the tale of Pontet Canet.

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Quiet Friday afternoon in Hong Kong

I received an email on the Friday before Chinese New Year at around midday, from a very knowledgeable wine collecting friend here in HK, which just said: “Lunch?”

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Only in France…

So, it was about 11pm at Jean-Pierre Charlot’s house (Domaine Voillot) on the Tuesday night of our week in Burgundy, tasting the excellent 2009s,

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Lafite 2008

There has been much talk about Lafite Rothschild over recent days following the amazing Sotheby’s sale here in HK and much chat about the 2008 vintage label which saw the wine rise dramatically in price

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